Im Folgenden werden versorgungsforschungsrelevante Publikationen der Mitgliedseinrichtungen des Zentrums für Versorgungsforschung Köln. aufgelistet. Anhand der Menüelemente auf der rechten Seite lassen sich diese nach Erscheinungsjahr und beteiligter ZVFK - Mitgliedseinrichtung filtern.
Arthur E. Attema, Matteo M. Galizzi, Mona Groß, Heike Hennig-Schmidt, Yassin Karay, Olivier L’Haridon, Daniel Wiesen, The formation of physician altruism, Journal of Health Economics, Volume 87, 2023, 102716, ISSN 0167-6296
Bauer, N.H., Hertle, D. & Schumacher, L. (2023). Digitale Hebammenbetreuung in der COVID-19-Pandemie in Deutschland – Akzeptanz bei Müttern. Bundesgesundheitsblatt
Ernst, M., Folkerts, A. K., Gollan, R., Lieker, E., Caro-Valenzuela, J., Adams, A., . . . Kalbe, E. (2023). Physical exercise for people with Parkinson's disease: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 1(1), Cd013856
Johansson, H., Folkerts, A.-K., Hammarström, I., Kalbe, E., Leavy, B. (in press). Effects of motor-cognitive training on dual task performance in people with Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Neurology
Ophey, A., Brijoux, T., Zank, S. & Kalbe, E. (in press). Cognition in people aged 80 years and older: determinants and predictors of change from a population. Journal of Frailty and Aging
Verhülsdonk, S., Folkerts, A. K., Hufnagel, S., Bohn, C., Höft, B., Supprian, T., & Kalbe E. (2023). Frequency of cognitive impairment in older forensic inpatients: results of a pilot cross-sectional study. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology
Wilfling D, Berg A, Dörner J, Bartmann N, Klatt T, Meyer G, Halek M, Möhler R, Köpke S, Dichter MN (2023). Attitudes and knowledge of nurses working at night and sleep promotion in nursing home residents: multicenter cross-sectional survey. BMC Geriatr. 23(1):206.
Sander M, Dano R, Bieber A, Dammermann A, Fleischer S, Dinand C, Müller M, Möhler R, Schultes K, Köpke S, Dichter MN; HEICO-study group (2023). Challenges, strategies and consequences from the perspective of German nursing home managers during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic - a qualitative interview study. BMC Geriatr. 23(1):164
Mazur A, Tetzlaff B, Mallon T, Hesjedal-Streller B, Wei V, Scherer M, Köpke S, Balzer K, Steyer L, Friede T, Pfeiffer S, Hummers E, Müller C (2023). Cluster randomised trial of a complex interprofessional intervention (interprof ACT) to reduce hospital admission of nursing home residents. Age Ageing. 52(3):afad022. Online ahead of print
Schubert C, Steinberg L, Peper J, Ramien C, Hellwig K, Köpke S, Solari A, Giordano A, Gold SM, Friede T, Heesen C, Rahn AC (2023) Postpartum relapse risk in multiple sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 20:jnnp-2022-330533. Online ahead of print
Seismann-Petersen S, von der Lühe V, Inkrot S, Roos M, Dichter MN, Köpke S. (2023), Role understanding of expert nurses in primary and acute care in Germany: A descriptive cross-sectional study. Pflege. 2023 Feb;36(1):11-19
Wilfling D, Calo S, Dichter MN, Meyer G, Möhler R, Köpke S. (2023) Non-pharmacological interventions for sleep disturbances in people with dementia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.1(1)
Seinsche, L., Schubin, K., Neumann, J. & Pfaff, H. (2023). Employees' Resources, Demands and Health While Working from Home during COVID-19 Pandemic-A Qualitative Study in the Public Sector. International journal of environmental research and public health, 20(1), 411.
Lindert, L., Zeike, S., Choi, K.-E. A. & Pfaff, H. (2023). Transformational Leadership and Employees' Psychological Wellbeing: A Longitudinal Study. International journal of environmental research and public health, 20(1), 676.
Amberger, O.; Müller, A.; Lemke, D.; Müller, H.; Schwappach, D.; Wendt, P.; Wensing, M.; Brueckle, M.-S.; Müller, B.S. Patient Safety and the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany: A Repeated Population-Based Cross-Sectional Survey. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 112.
Müller, B., (05/2023). Klimawandel, Aufgabe der hausärztlichen Versorgung. Der Allgemeinarzt.
Römer, J.; Molkentin, K.; Nohl-Deryk, P.; Müller, B. (2023), Die Bedeutung des Klimawandels in der Allgemeinmedizin: Fünf Handlungsstrategien für die Praxis. Bayerisches Ärzteblatt 1-2/2023
J. Filip, H. van de Sand, E. Pützer, I. Meyer, I. Schubert, K. Schäfer (2023): Zusätzliche Beeinträchtigung von Kindern mit Hörhilfen in Deutschland. 25. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie (dga), 01.-03.03.23, Köln, Deutschland.
H. van de Sand, E. Pützer, J. Filip, U. Marschall, I. Meyer, K. Schäfer & I. Schubert (im Druck): Häufigkeit peripherer Hörstörung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen auf Basis einer Analyse von GKV-Routinedaten. Dt. Ärzteblatt.
H. van de Sand, J. Filip, E. Pützer, I. Schubert, I. Meyer & K. Schäfer (2022): Späte Versorgung von Kindern mit Hörstörung? Diagnosehäufigkeit und Versorgung hörgeschädigter Kinder und Jugendlicher in Deutschland (DiViDe) ‐ eine Analyse auf Basis von GKV‐Routinedaten. 21. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung. Nutzen für die klinische Praxis. Potentiale und Perspektiven. 05.-07.10.22, Potsdam, Deutschland. doi: 10.3205/22dkvf312
Sülz, S.; Kuntz, L.; Müller, H.S.; Wittland, M. Catholic Ownership, Physician Leadership and Operational Strategies: Evidence from German Hospitals. Healthcare 2022, 10, 2538
Ulmer, M, Martakis, K, Scholten, N, Kuntz, L. Existence and perceived application of pain management protocols in German neonatal intensive care units. Paediatr Neonatal Pain. 2022; 4: 149- 157.
Hallek M, Ockenfels A, Wiesen D: Behavioral economics interventions to improve medical decision-making. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2022; 119: 633–9. 10.3238/arztebl.m2022.0275
Van der Put, A., Ellwardt, L. (2022): Employees’ healthy eating and physical activity: The role of colleague encouragement and behaviour. BMC Public Health, 22: 2004.
Hertle, D., Wende, D., Schumacher, L. & Bauer, N.H. (2022). Midwives’ and women’s views on digital midwifery care in Germany: Results from an online survey. Midwifery; 115: 103472
Hertle, D., Schumacher, L., Schmitt, N., Wende, D. & Bauer, N.H. (2022). Survey zur digitalen Hebammenbetreuung in der Pandemie zeigt schnelle Umsetzung und gute Akzeptanz. Zeitschrift für Hebammenwissenschaft (Journal of Midwifery Science); 10 (01): 16-21.
Schumacher, L., Hertle, D. & Bauer, N.H. (2022). Eine gute Ergänzung - Digitale Hebammenbetreuung im Kontext der Covid-19-Pandemie. Dr. med. Mabuse 255: 80-82.
Folkerts, A. K., Haarmann, L., Nielsen, J., Saliger, J., Eschweiler, M., Karbe, H., . . . Kalbe, E. (2022). Fear of Progression is Determined by Anxiety and Self-Efficacy but not Disease-Specific Parameters in Patients with Parkinson's Disease: Preliminary Data from a Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study. J Parkinsons Dis, 12(8), 2543-2553
Gollan, R., Ernst, M., Lieker, E., Caro-Valenzuela, J., Monsef, I., Dresen, A., . . . Folkerts, A. K. (2022). Effects of Resistance Training on Motor- and Non-Motor Symptoms in Patients with Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Parkinsons Dis, 12(6), 1783-1806
Grycuk, E., Eichenholtz, E., Aarsland, D., Betzhold, S., Daly, G., Folkerts, A. K., . . . Leroi, I. (2022). Developing a core outcome set (COS) for Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). HRB Open Res, 5, 57
Haarmann, L., Kalbe, E., Lewis, C. J., Eggers, C., Kühn, A. A., Krug, H., . . . Maier, F. (2022). The Deep Brain Stimulation Impairment Scale: A useful complement in assessment of well-being and functioning in DBS-patients - Results from a large multicentre survey in patients with Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord, 99, 8-15
Jost, S. T., Strobel, L., Rizos, A., Loehrer, P. A., Ashkan, K., Evans, J., . . . Dafsari, H. S. (2022). Gender gap in deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease. NPJ Parkinsons Dis, 8(1), 47
Liebermann-Jordanidis, H., Roheger, M., Boosfeld, L., Franklin, J., & Kalbe, E. (2022). Which Test Is the Best to Assess Visuo-Cognitive Impairment in Patients with Parkinson's Disease with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Parkinsons Dis, 12(6), 1749-1782
Muente, C., Folkerts, A. K., Kalbe, E., Thieken, F., Assmann, L. E., Widritzki, M., . . . Wilhelm, M. (2022). Supporting Relatives Prior to Caregiver Burden-Preventive E-Mental Health Short Intervention for Family Members of Individuals with Parkinsonism in an Early Phase of the Disease: Protocol for a Feasibility Study. Brain Sci, 12(4)
Schamong, A. S., Liebermann-Jordanidis, H., Brockmeier, K., Sticker, E., & Kalbe, E. (2022). Psychosocial well-being and quality of life in siblings of children with congenital heart disease: A systematic review. J Child Health Care, 26(2), 319-337
Oliver D, Baker I, Borasio GD, Cras P, Faull C, Hepgul N, Lorenzl S, Stockdale C, de Visser M, Vanopdenbosch L, Voltz R, Veronese S. The involvement of palliative care with neurology - a comparison of UK, Switzerland and Italy. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener. 2022 Oct 26:1-7
Kremeike K, Bausewein C, Freytag A, Junghanss C, Marx G, Schnakenberg R, Schneider N, Schulz H, Wedding U, Voltz R. DNVF-Memorandum Versorgungsforschung im letzten Lebensjahr [DNVF Memorandum: Health Services Research in the Last Year of Life]. Gesundheitswesen. 2022 Oct 11.
Schippel N, Dust G, von Reeken C, Voltz R, Strupp J, Rietz C. Can we determine burdensome transitions in the last year of life based on time of occurrence and frequency? An explanatory mixed-methods study. Palliat Support Care. 2022 Oct;20(5):637-645.
Kasdorf A, Dust G, Schippel N, Pfaff H, Rietz C, Voltz R, Strupp J; and on behalf of CoRe-Net. Dying in hospital is worse for non-cancer patients. A regional cross-sectional survey of bereaved relatives' views. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2022 Aug 22:e13683
Boström K, Dojan T, Rosendahl C, Gehrke L, Voltz R, Kremeike K. How do trained palliative care providers experience open desire to die-conversations? An explorative thematic analysis. Palliat Support Care. 2022 Aug 9:1-9.
Kasdorf A, Dust G, Hamacher S, Schippel N, Rietz C, Voltz R, Strupp J; CoRe-Net. The last year of life for patients dying from cancer vs. non-cancer causes: a retrospective cross-sectional survey of bereaved relatives. Support Care Cancer. 2022 Jun;30(6):4971-4979
Kremeike K, Boström K, Preiser C, Dojan T, Voltz R. Desire to Die: How Does the Patients' Chorus Sound? Omega (Westport). 2022 May 20:302228221103393
Kremeike K, Ullrich A, Schulz H, Rosendahl C, Boström K, Kaur S, Oubaid N, Plathe-Ignatz C, Leminski C, Hower K, Pfaff H, Hellmich M, Oechsle K, Voltz R. Dying in hospital in Germany - optimising care in the dying phase: study protocol for a multi-centre bottom-up intervention on ward level. BMC Palliat Care. 2022 May 6;21(1):67
Kukla H, Herrler A, Strupp J, Voltz R. "My life became more meaningful": confronting one's own end of life and its effects on well-being-a qualitative study. BMC Palliat Care. 2022 Apr 29;21(1):58
Pauli B, Strupp J, Schloesser K, Voltz R, Jung N, Leisse C, Bausewein C, Pralong A, Simon ST; PallPan consortium. It's like standing in front of a prison fence - Dying during the SARS-CoV2 pandemic: A qualitative study of bereaved relatives' experiences. Palliat Med. 2022 Apr;36(4):708-716
Knop J, Dust G, Kasdorf A, Schippel N, Rietz C, Strupp J, Voltz R; CoRe-Net. Unsolved problems and unwanted decision-making in the last year of life: A qualitative analysis of comments from bereaved caregivers. Palliat Support Care. 2022 Mar 10:1-9
Uebach B, Krull E, Simon ST, Bausewein C, Voltz R, Doll A; die Deutsche Leitliniengruppe S3-Palliativmedizin. Leitliniengerechte Versorgung von Patienten mit malignen Wunden : Die neue S3-Leitlinie für Patienten mit einer nichtheilbaren Krebserkrankung [Guideline-based Care for patients with malignant lesions : The new S3 guideline for patients with incurable cancer]. HNO. 2022 Mar;70(3):167-178
Voltz R, Boström K, Dojan T, Rosendahl C, Gehrke L, Shah-Hosseini K, Kremeike K. Is trained communication about desire to die harmful for patients receiving palliative care? A cohort study. Palliat Med. 2022 Mar;36(3):489-497
Oliver D, de Visser M, Voltz R. Editorial: Palliative Care in Neurology, Volume II. Front Neurol. 2022 Feb 16;13:840110
Golla H, Dillen K, Hellmich M, Dojan T, Ungeheuer S, Schmalz P, Staß A, Mildenberger V, Goereci Y, Dunkl V, Strupp J, Fink GR, Voltz R, Stock S, Cornely O, Stahmann A, Müller A, Löcherbach P, Burghaus L, Limmroth V, Bonmann E, Gerbershagen K, Nelles G, Joist T, Haas J, Temmes H, Warnke C. Communication, Coordination, and Security for People with Multiple Sclerosis (COCOS-MS): a randomised phase II clinical trial protocol. BMJ Open. 2022 Jan 25;12(1):e049300
Heesen C, Rahn AC, Köpke S. (2022) Communicating with people with MS: A key role for evidence-based patient information. Patient Educ Couns. 2022 Dec;105(12):3339-3340
Wenzel L, Heesen C, Peper J, Grentzenberg K, Faßhauer E, Scheiderbauer J, Thale F, Meyer B, Köpke S, Rahn AC. (2022) An interactive web-based programme on relapse management for people with multiple sclerosis (POWER@MS2) - development, feasibility, and pilot testing of a complex intervention. Front Neurol. 13:914814
Krause N, Riemann-Lorenz K, Rahn AC, Pöttgen J, Köpke S, Meyer B, Thale F, Temmes H, van de Loo M, Gold SM, Heesen C. (2022) 'That would have been the perfect thing after diagnosis': development of a digital lifestyle management application in multiple sclerosis. Ther Adv Neurol Disord. 15:17562864221118729
Abraham J, Hirt J, Richter C, Köpke S, Meyer G, Möhler R. (2022) Interventions for preventing and reducing the use of physical restraints of older people in general hospital settings. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 8(8):CD012476
Huckle T, Silies K, Kirchner Ä, Berg A, Meyer G, Schnakenberg R, Hoffmann F, Köberlein-Neu J, Köpke S. (2022) [Nurses' perspectives on their potential role in advance care planning in home care: A qualitative study]. Pflege. 35(6):327-335
Kuske S, Holmberg C, Wensing M, Reuschenbach B, Büscher A, Neugebauer E, Pfaff H, Karbach U, Balzer K, Köpke S, Ernstmann N (2022). Studiengänge zur Versorgungsforschung in Deutschland: aktueller Stand und zukünftige Perspektiven. Gesundheitswesen. Gesundheitswesen 84(3):227-241
Bieber A, Bühler F, Leinen A, Schneider-Schelte H, Köpke S, Dichter M, Wilm S, Meyer G (2022) Mit Living Labs Praxis und Wissenschaft vernetzen. Pflege 75(5):59-63
Kirchner Ä, Langner H, Meyer G, Schnakenberg R, Silies K, Hoffmann F, Köpke S, Köberlein-Neu J, Berg A (2022) Advance care planning conversations in home care: Intervention development with the Behaviour Change Wheel. Pflege. 35(6):345-354
Steyer L, Kortkamp C, Müller C, Tetzlaff B, Fleischmann N, Weber CE, Scherer M, Kühn A, Jarchow AM, Lüth F, Köpke S, Friede T, König HH, Hummers E, Maurer I, Balzer K. (2022) Implementation, mechanisms of change and contextual factors of a complex intervention to improve interprofessional collaboration and the quality of medical care for nursing home residents: study protocol of the process evaluation of the interprof ACT intervention package. Trials 8;23(1):561
Richter C, Fleischer S, Langner H, Meyer G, Balzer K, Köpke S, Sönnichsen A, Löscher S, Berg A. (2022) Factors influencing the implementation of person-centred care in nursing homes by practice development champions: a qualitative process evaluation of a cluster-randomised controlled trial (EPCentCare) using Normalization Process Theory. BMC Nurs. 21(1):182
Lehnert T, Röver C, Köpke S, Rio J, Chard D, Fittipaldo AV, Friede T, Heesen C, Rahn AC. (2022) Immunotherapy for people with clinically isolated syndrome or relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: treatment response by demographic, clinical, and biomarker subgroups (PROMISE)-a systematic review protocol. Syst Rev. 11(1):134
Seismann-Petersen S, Köpke S, Inkrot S. (2022) Process evaluation of a multi-disciplinary complex intervention to improve care for older patients with chronic conditions in rural areas (the HandinHand Study): study protocol. BMC Nurs 14;21(1):151
Köpke S (2022) COVID-19: Ein Booster für die Pflegewissenschaft in Deutschland? Pflege 35(3):129-131
Steinberg L, Peper J, Köpke S, Solari A, Giordano A, Gold SM, Hellwig K, Heesen C, Rahn AC. (2022) Motherhood choice in multiple sclerosis (MoMS) development and piloting of patient-reported outcome measures. Mult Scler Relat Disord 63:103831
Silies K, Huckle T, Schnakenberg R, Kirchner Ä, Berg A, Köberlein-Neu J, Meyer G, Hoffmann F, Köpke S. (2022) Contextual factors influencing advance care planning in home care: process evaluation of the cluster-randomised controlled trial STADPLAN. BMC Geriatr 20;22(1):345
Schneider A, Fasshauer E, Scheiderbauer J, Warnke C, Köpke S, Kasper J, Toussaint M, Temmes H, Hemmer B, Schiffmann I, Rahn AC, Heesen C. (2022) Development and evaluation of evidence-based patient information handbooks about multiple sclerosis immunotherapies. Mult Scler Relat Disord 60:103728
Celani MG, Nonino F, Mahan K, Orso M, Ridley B, Baldin E, Bignamini AA, D'Amico R, Cantisani TA, Colombo C, Khan F, Köpke S, Laurson-Doube J, Schvarz C, Young CA, Peryer G, Rosati P, Filippini G. (2022) Identifying unanswered questions and setting the agenda for future systematic research in Multiple Sclerosis. A worldwide, multi-stakeholder Priority Setting project. Mult Scler Relat Disord 60:103688
Artmann A, Rahn AC, Köpke S, Thomalla G, Heesen C, Alegiani AC. (2022) Risk communication in acute stroke patients - from qualitative data to a pilot randomised controlled trial. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes 169:19-27
Meyer G & Köpke S (2022). Evidenzbasierung in den Gesundheitsberufen. S. 681-687. In: Haring R (Hrsg.): Gesundheitswissenschaften. Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer Nature
Pfaff, H. (2022). The Social Infrastructure of Organizational Resilience, Agency Capacity and Resilience Spirals: Starting Points for Resilient Leadership. In M. Franco (Hrsg.), Leadership - New Insights (S. 175–198). IntechOpen.
Cecon, N., Krieger, T., Salm, S., Pfaff, H. & Dresen, A. (2022). Salutogenesis at Work as a Facilitator for Implementation? An Explorative Study on the Relationship of Job Demands, Job Resources and the Work-Related Sense of Coherence within a Complex Healthcare Programme. Int J Environ Res (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health), 19(3), 1842.
Krieger, T., Salm, S., Dresen, A., Arning, A., Schwickerath, K., Göttel, A., Houwaart, S., Pfaff, H. & Cecon, N. (2022). Optimizing Patient Information Material for a New Psycho-Oncological Care Program Using a Participatory Health Research Approach in Germany. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1518.
Pförtner, T.-K., Pfaff, H. & Elgar, F. J. (2022). Dualized Labor Market and Polarized Health: A Longitudinal Perspective on the Association between Precarious Employment and Mental and Physical Health in Germany. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 63(3), 357–374.
Breidenbach, C., Heidkamp, P., Hiltrop, K., Pfaff, H., Enders, A., Ernstmann, N. & Kowalski, C. (2022). Prevalence and determinants of anxiety and depression in long-term breast cancer survivors. BMC psychiatry, 22(1), 101.
Ohlmeier, S., Klingler, C., Schellartz, I. & Pfaff, H. (2022). Having a Break or Being Imprisoned: Influence of Subjective Interpretations of Quarantine and Isolation on Boredom. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4).
Kuske, S., Holmberg, C., Wensing, M., Reuschenbach, B., Büscher, A., Neugebauer, E., Pfaff, H., Karbach, U., Balzer, K., Köpke, S. & Ernstmann, N. (2022). Studiengänge zur Versorgungsforschung in Deutschland: aktueller Stand und zukünftige Perspektiven [Educational Programmes in Health Services Research in Germany: Current State and Future Perspectives]. Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Ärzte des Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany), 84(3), 227–241.
Sibert, N. T., Pfaff, H., Breidenbach, C., Wesselmann, S., Roth, R., Feick, G., Carl, G., Dieng, S., Gaber, A. A., Blana, A., Darr, C., Distler, F., Kunath, F., Bedke, J., Erdmann, J., Minner, J., Simon, J., Kwiatkowski, M., Burchardt, M., Harz, N., Conrad, S., Höfner, T., Knoll, T., Beyer, B., Hammerer, P. & Kowalski, C. (2022). Variation across operating sites in urinary and sexual outcomes after radical prostatectomy in localized and locally advanced prostate cancer. World journal of urology. 40(6), 1437-1446.
Lindert, L., Schlomann, L., Pfaff, H., Choi, K.-E. (2022). The Role of Psychological Wellbeing in a Cross-Provider Worksite Healthcare Management Program for Employees with Musculoskeletal Disorders. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 19, 5452.
Pfaff, H. (2022). Problemzone Praxistransfer. 360° Onkologie 14, 4.
Salm, S., Cecon, N., Jenniches, I., Pfaff, H., Scholten, N., Dresen, A., & Krieger, T. (2022). Conducting a prospective evaluation of the development of a complex psycho-oncological care programme (isPO) in Germany. BMC health services research, 22(1), 1-20.
Kusch, M., Labouvie, H., Schiewer, V., Talalaev, N., Cwik, J. C., Bussmann, S., Vaganian, L., Gerlach, A.L., Dresen, A., Cecon, N., Salm, S., Krieger, T., Pfaff, H., Lemmen, C., Derendorf, L., Stock, S., Samel, C., Hagemeier, A., Hellmich, M., Leicher, B., Hültenschmidt, G., Swoboda, J., Haas, P., Arning, A., Göttel, A., Schwickerath, K., Graeven, U., Houwaart, S., Kerek-Bodden, H., Krebs, S., Muth, C., Hecker, C., Reiser, M., Mauch, C., Brenner, J., Schmidt, G., Karlowsky, C., Vimalanandan, G., Matyschick, L., Galonska, L., Francke, A., Osborne, K., Nestle, U., Bäumer, M., Schmitz, K., Wolf, J. & Hallek, M. (2022). Integrated, cross-sectoral psycho-oncology (isPO): A new form of care for newly diagnosed cancer patients in Germany. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 543.
Kremeike, K., Ullrich, A., Schulz, H., Rosendahl, C., Boström, K., Kaur, S., Oubaid, N., Plathe-Ignatz, C., Leminski, C., Hower, K., Pfaff, H., Hellmich, M. Oechsle & Voltz, R. (2022). Dying in hospital in Germany–optimising care in the dying phase: study protocol for a multi-centre bottom-up intervention on ward level. BMC Palliative Care, 21(1), 1-10.
Lubasch, J. S., Lee, S., Wirtz, M. A., Pfaff, H., & Ansmann, L. (2022). Validation of a patient-reported measure of social support provided by nurses in breast cancer care (SuPP-N): based on a cross-sectional patient survey in 83 German hospitals. BMJ open, 12(4), e054015.
Pfaff, H., Pförtner, T. K., Banaszak-Holl, J., Hu, Y., & Hower, K. (2022). Is the Systemic Agency Capacity of Long-Term Care Organizations Enabling Person-Centered Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study of Organizational Resilience. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(9), 5045.
Choi, K. E. A., Lindert, L., Schlomann, L., & Pfaff, H. (2022). “I’ll leave that to the case managers.” Healthcare Service Providers ‘Perceptions of Organizational Readiness for Change in a Randomized Controlled Trial—A Qualitative Analysis Exploring Implementation Success. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(9), 5782.
Niecke, A., Peters, K. M., Alayli, A., Lüngen, M., Pfaff, H., Albus, C. & Samel, C. (2022). Health-related quality of life after 50 years in individuals with thalidomide embryopathy: Evidence from a German cross-sectional survey. Birth defects research, 114(13), 714–724.
Zeike, S. & Pfaff, H. (2022). Kennzahlen im BGM und Steuerung des BGM-Prozesses. In M. Lange, D. Matusiewicz & O. Walle (Hrsg.), Praxishandbuch Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement: Grundlagen - Standards - Trends (S. 379-401). Haufe-Lexware.
Wurster, F., Fütterer, G., Beckmann, M., Dittmer, K., Jaschke, J., Köberlein-Neu, J., Okumu, M., Rusniok, C., Pfaff, H. & Karbach, U. (2022). The Analyzation of Change in Documentation due to the Introduction of Electronic Patient Records in Hospitals—A Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Systems 46 (54).
Söling, S., Pfaff, H., Karbach, U., Ansmann, L. & Köberlein-Neu, J. (2022). How is leadership behavior associated with organization-related variables? Translation and psychometric evaluation of the implementation leadership scale in German primary healthcare. BMC health services research, 22(1), 1065.
Hiltrop, K., Heidkamp, P., Breidenbach, C., Kowalski, C., Enders, A., Pfaff, H., Ansmann, L., Geiser, F. & Ernstmann, N. (2022). Involuntariness of job changes is related to less satisfaction with occupational development in long-term breast cancer survivors. Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice, 16(2), 397–407.
Demirer, I., Kühhirt, M., Karbach, U. & Pfaff, H. (2022). Does positive affect mediate the association of multimorbidity on depressive symptoms? Aging & mental health, 26(1), 65–76.
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Hower, K. I., Pförtner, T.-K. Saak, P., Schneider, A., Aydin, O., Pfaff, H., Kons, J., Groß, S. & Ansmann, L. (2021). Evaluation des FITKIDS-Programms zum gesunden Aufwachsen von Kindern aus suchtbelasteten Familien. Suchttherapie 22(02), 91-100. 10.1055/a-1168-3676
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Choi, K.-E., Lindert, L., Schlomann, L., Samel, C., Hellmich, M., & Pfaff, H. (2021). A Cross-Provider Healthcare Management Program for Musculoskeletal Disorders: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial in 22 German Companies. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22), 11844. MDPI AG.
Pfaff, H. & Schmitt, J. (2021). The Organic Turn: Coping With Pandemic and Non-pandemic Challenges by Integrating Evidence-, Theory-, Experience-, and Context-Based Knowledge in Advising Health Policy. Front. Public Health 9, 727427. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.72742
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Pfaff, H., Hammer, A., Ballester, M., Schubin, K., Swora, M. & Sunol, R. (2021). Social determinants of the impact of hospital management boards on quality management: a study of 109 European hospitals using a parsonian approach. BMC Health Services Research21 (1) doi: 10.1186/s12913-020-06053-0.
Cecon, N., Lee, S., Pfaff, H., Dresen, A. & Groß, S. E. (2021). Development of the health behaviour scale for cancer patients (HBSCP), analysis of its factorial structure and evaluation of its psychometric properties. Eur. J. Cancer Care 30 (2), e13386. 10.1111/ecc.13386.
Demirer, I., Bethge, M., Spyra, K., Karbach, U. & Pfaff, H. (2021). Does social support mediate the effect of multimorbidity on mental wellbeing in the German working population? A longitudinal mediation analysis using structural equation modelling. SSM - population health 13. 10.1016/j.ssmph.2021.100744
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Beckmann, M., Dittmer, K., Jaschke, J., Karbach, U., Köberlein-Neu, J., Nocon, M., Rusniok, C., Wurster, F. & Pfaff, H. (2021). Electronic patient record and its effects on social aspects of interprofessional collaboration and clinical workflows in hospitals (eCoCo): a mixed methods study protocol. BMC health services research, 21(1), S. 377. 10.1186/s12913-021-06377-5
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Ansmann, L., Vennedey, V., Hillen, H. A., Stock, S., Kuntz, L., Pfaff, H., Mannion, R., Hower, K. I., & Cologne Research And Development Network CoRe-Net Study Group, C. (2021). Resource dependency and strategy in healthcare organizations during a time of scarce resources: evidence from the metropolitan area of cologne. Journal of health organization and management, 35(9), 211–227.
Seibert, Melissa; Hillen, Hendrik Ansgar; Pfaff, Holger; Kuntz, Ludwig: Exploring leading nurses' work values and their association with team safety climate: Results from a questionnaire survey in neonatal intensive care units. Journal of Nursing Management 28 (1): 112-119.
Salm, Sandra; Hower, Kira; Neumann, Sandra; Ansmann, Lena: Validation of the German Version of the Transsexual Voice Questionnaire for Male-to-Female Transsexuals. Journal of Voice 34 (1): 68-77.
Groß SE, Pfaff H: 3.3.3. Arbeitsbedingungen von Ärzten. In: Deinzer R, von dem Knesebeck O. (Hrsg.): Online Lehrbuch der Medizinischen Psychologie und Medizinischen Soziologie. Berlin: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2018-.
Groß, Sophie E.; Weidner, Doreen; Cecon, Natalia; Pfaff, Holger; Strauch, Carmen; Scholten, Nadine: Does basic information concerning nutrition improve the information needs of breast cancer patients? An evaluation. Supportive Care in Cancer: 1-9.
Herber, Oliver Rudolf; Wilm, Stefan; Fiege, Annett; Ernstmann, Nicole; Pfaff, Holger; Icks, Andrea: Die DFG Nachwuchsakademie 2017 – Wissenschaftliche Nachwuchsförderung in der Versorgungsforschung. Das Gesundheitswesen.
Pfaff H., Lindert L., Zeike S. (2020) Einleitung. In: Evidenzbasierte psychische Gefährdungsbeurteilung. essentials. Springer, Wiesbaden.
Pfaff H., Lindert L., Zeike S. (2020) Gesetzlicher Hintergrund. In: Evidenzbasierte psychische Gefährdungsbeurteilung. essentials. Springer, Wiesbaden.
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Pfaff H., Lindert L., Zeike S. (2020) Die Methode der evidenzbasierten psychischen Gefährdungsbeurteilung. In: Evidenzbasierte psychische Gefährdungsbeurteilung. essentials. Springer, Wiesbaden.
Pfaff H., Lindert L., Zeike S. (2020) Das MIKE-Instrumentarium. In: Evidenzbasierte psychische Gefährdungsbeurteilung. essentials. Springer, Wiesbaden.
Pfaff H., Lindert L., Zeike S. (2020) Zusammenfassung. In: Evidenzbasierte psychische Gefährdungsbeurteilung. essentials. Springer, Wiesbaden.
Jenniches, Imke; Lemmen, Clarissa; Cwik, Jan Christopher; Kusch, Michael; Labouvie, Hildegard; Scholten, Nadine; Gerlach, Alexander; Stock, Stephanie; Samel, Christina; Hagemeier, Anna; Hellmich, Martin; Haas, Peter; Hallek, Michael; Pfaff, Holger; Dresen, Antje: Evaluation of a complex integrated, cross-sectoral psycho-oncological care program (isPO): a mixed-methods study protocol. BMJ Open 10 (3).
Lehman, Birthe Andrea; Lindert, Lara; Ohlmeier, Silke; Schlomann, Lara; Pfaff, Holger; Coi, Kyung-Eun: “And Then He Got into the Wrong Group”: A Qualitative Study Exploring the E ects of Randomization in Recruitment to a Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (6). 1-16.
Groß, Sophie E.; Pfaff, Holger; Swora, Michael; Ansmann, Lena; Albert, Ute-Susann; Groß-Kunkel, Anke: "Health disparities among breast cancer patients with/without disabilities in Germany". Disability and health journal 13 (2). 1-7.
Ansmann, Lena; Hower, Kira Isabel; Wirtz, Markus Antonius; Kowalski, Christoph; Ernstmann, Nicole; McKee, Lorna; Pfaff, Holger: Measuring social capital of healthcare organizations reported by employees for creating positive workplaces - validation of the SOCAPO-E instrument. BMC Health Services Research 20(1). 1-10.
Susan, Lee; Sophie E.Groß; Holger Pfaff; Antje Dresen: Waiting time, communication quality, and patient satisfaction: An analysis of moderating influences on the relationship between perceived waiting time and the satisfaction of breast cancer patients during their inpatient stay.Patient Education and Counseling 103 (4): 819- 825.
Schrappe, Matthias.; François-Kettner, Hedwig.; Gruhl, Matthias.; Knieps, Franz.; Pfaff, Holger.; Glaeske, Gerd.: Datenbasis verbessern – Prävention gezielt weiterentwickeln – Bürgerrechte wahren. Thesenpapier zur Pandemie durch SARSCoV-2/Covid-19. Monitor Versorgungsforschung 13 (03): 1-11.
Richter, Simone; Demirer, Ibrahim; Choi, Kyung-Eun; Hartrampf, Johannes; Pfaff, Holger; Karbach, Ute: People with multimorbidity in outpatient care: patient-focused and needs-oriented healthcare management (MamBo) - protocol for a multiperspective evaluation study. BMC health services research 20(1): 1-7.
Ernstmann, Nicole; Heuser, Christian; Pfaff, Holger: Zur Situation der Versorgungsforschung an deutschen Universitäten, Hochschulen und Fachhochschulen. Health Services Research Facilities at German Universities. Das Gesundheitswesen 82(4): 313- 317.
Peter, S.; Volkert, A.M.; Pfaff, H.; Radbruch, L.; Rolke, R.; Voltz, R.; Scholten, N.: General Practitioners' Perspectives on General and Specialized Palliative Home Care in North Rhine, Germany: An Explorative Focus Group Study. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine 46 (1,:32-38.
Wensing, Michel; Pfaff, H.; Grol, R.: Health System Strategies for Implementation. In: Wensing, Michel; Grol, R.; Grimshaw, J.(Hrsg.): Improving Patient Care: The implementation of change in health care. Wiley-Blackwell.
Schrappe, M.; François-Kettner, H.; Knieps, F.; Pfaff, H.; Püschel, K.; Glaeske, G.: Datenbasis verbessern. Prävention gezielt weiterentwickeln. Bürgerrechte wahren. Thesenpapier 2.0. Pflegewissenschaft (2. Sonderausgabe): 50-53.
Nakata,H.; Halbach, S.; Geiser, F.; Stock, S.; Kowalski, C.; Enders, A.; Pfaff, H.; Ernstmann, N.: Health literacy, mental disorders and fear of progression and their association with a need for psycho-oncological care over the course of a breast cancer treatment. Psychology, health & medicine: 1-4.
Schrappe, M.; François-Kettner, H.; Gruhl, M.; Hart, D.; Knieps, F.; Pfaff, H.; Püschel, K.; Glaeske, G.: Thesenpapier 3.0 zur Pandemie durch SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19: Eine erste Bilanz. Monitor Versorgungsforschung: 1-23.
Pfaff, H.: 7 Thesen zum Innovationsfonds. Betriebskrankenkassen Magazin für Politik, Recht und Gesundheit im Unternehmen, 3: 55-63.
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Hower, K., Pfaff, H., & Pförtner, T.-K. (2020). Pflege in Zeiten von COVID-19: Onlinebefragung von Leitungskräften zu Herausforderungen, Belastungen und Bewältigungsstrategien. Pflege, 33(4), 207-218.
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Schrappe, M., François-Kettner, H., Gruhl, M., Hart, D., Knieps, F., Manow, P., Pfaff, H., Püschel, K., & Glaeske, G. (2020). Thesenpapier 4.0 zur Pandemie durch SARSCoV-2/Covid-19. Die Pandemie durch SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 – der Übergang zur chronischen Phase. Verbesserung der Outcomes in Sicht / Stabile Kontrolle: Würde und Humanität wahren / Diskursverengung vermeiden: Corona nicht politisieren. Monitor Versorgungsforschung, 13, 35- 68.
Hower, K., Pförtner, T., Saak, P., Schneider, A., Aydin, O., Pfaff, H., Kons, J.,Groß, & S. Ansmann, L. (2020). Evaluation des FITKIDS-Programms zum gesunden Aufwachen von Kindern aus suchtbelasteten Familien. Suchttherapie, 1-11.
Söling, S., Köberlein-Neu, J., Müller, B., Dinh, T.S, Muth, C., Pfaff, H., Karbach, & U. (2020). From sensitization to adoption? A qualitative study of the implementation of a digitally supported intervention for clinical decision making in polypharmacy. Implementation science, 15, 1-12.
Cecon, N., Pfaff, H., Lee, S. & Dresen, A. (2020). A salutogenic model predicting the need for psycho-oncological care and its utilisation—The role of generalised resistance resources and sense of coherence. Eur. J. Cancer Care, 30, e13335.
Pfaff, H., & Braithwaite, J. (2020). A Parsonian Approach to Patient Safety: Transformational Leadership and Social Capital as Preconditions for Clinical Risk Management—the GI Factor. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(11), 3989.
Hildebrandt, H., Bahrs, O., Borchers, U., Glaeske, G., Griweing, B., Härter, M., Hanneken, J., Hilbert, J., Klapper, B., Klitzsch, W., Köster-Steinbach, I., Kurscheid, C., Lodwig, V., Pfaff, H., Schaeffer, D., Schrappe, M., Sturm, H., Wehkamp, K., & Wild, D. (2020). Integrierte Versorgung als nachhaltige Regelversorgung auf regionaler Ebene – Teil 2. Welt der Krankenversicherung, 9, 1-12.
Schubin, K., Schlomann, L., Lindert, L., Pfaff, H., Choi, K.-E. (2020). Occupational Physicians’ Perspectives on Determinants of Employee Participation in a Randomized Controlled Musculoskeletal Health. IJERPH (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health), 17(20), 7445.
Hower, K. I., Vennedey, V., Hillen, H. A., Stock, S., Kuntz, L., Pfaff, H., Pförtner, T.-K., Scholl, I., Ansmann, L. (2020). Is organizational communication climate a precondition for patient-centered care? Insights from a key informant survey of various health and social care organizations. IJERPH (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health) 17(21).
Li, D., Hu, Y., Pfaff, H., Wang, L., Deng, L., Lu, C., Xia, S., Cheng, S.,; Zhu, X., Wu, X. (2020). Determinants of patients' intention to use the online inquiry services provided by Internet hospitals: Empirical evidence from China. J Med Internet Res (Journal of Medical Internet Research) 22(10), e22716.
Pfaff, H. (2020). Versorgungsforschung - Methoden und Ziele. Was ist Versorgungsforschung? Definition, Versorgungsmodell, Akteure und Praxisbeispiele. Frankfurter Forum: Diskurse, 8-15.
Schrappe, M., François-Kettner, H., Gruhl, M., Hart, D., Knieps, F., Manow, P., Pfaff, H., Püschel, K., Glaeske, G. (2020). Die Pandemie durch SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 - Spezifische Prävention als Grundlage der „Stabilen Kontrolle“ der SARS-CoV-2-Epidemie (Thesenpapier 5.0). Monitor Versorgungsforschung, 13(6), 50-63.
Schrappe, M., François-Kettner, H., Gruhl, M., Hart, D., Knieps, F., Manow, P., Pfaff, H., Püschel, K., Glaeske, G. (2020). Ad hoc-Stellungnahme der Autorengruppe zur Beschlussfassung der Konferenz der Bundeskanzlerin und der Ministerpräsident/innen der Länder am 14.10.2020: Die Pandemie durch SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 - Gleichgewicht und Augenmaß behalten.
Schrappe, M., François-Kettner, H., Gruhl, M., Hart, D., Knieps, F., Manow, P., Pfaff, H., Püschel, K., Glaeske, G. (2020). Thesenpapier 4.1 zur Pandemie durch SARSCoV-2/Covid-19. Die Pandemie durch SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 - der Übergang zur chronischen Phase. Verbesserung der Outcomes in Sicht; Stabile Kontrolle: Würde und Humanität wahren; Diskursverengung vermeiden: Corona nicht politisieren. Monitor Versorgungsforschung 13(5), 35–68.
Kremeike, Kerstin; Frerich, Gerrit; Romotzky, Vanessa; Boström, Kathleen; Dojan, Thomas; Galushko, Maren; Shah-Hosseini, Kija; Jünger, Saskia; Rodin, Gary; Pfaff, Holger; Perrar, Klaus Maria; Voltz, Raymond (2020). The desire to die in palliative care: a sequential mixed methods study to develop a semi-structured clinical approach. BMC palliative care 19(1), 49.
Volkert, A., Pfaff, H. & Scholten, N. (2020). What Really Matters? Organizational Versus Regional Determinants of Hospitals Providing Medical Service Centres. Health Policy, 124(12), 1354–1362.
Knieps, F. & Pfaff, H. (Hrsg.) (2019). BKK Gesundheitsreport 2020: Mobilität - Arbeit - Gesundheit. Zahlen, Daten, Fakten mit Gastbeiträgen aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Praxis. MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.
Pfaff, H. & Zeike, S. (2020). Mobilität in der Arbeitswelt: Ursachen, Folgen und Prävention. In F. Knieps & H. Pfaff, BKK Gesundheitsreport 2020: Mobilität - Arbeit - Gesundheit. Zahlen, Daten, Fakten mit Gastbeiträgen aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Praxis. MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.
Schrappe, M., François-Kettner, H., Gruhl, M., Hart, D., Knieps, F., Manow, P., Pfaff, H., Püschel, K., Glaeske, G. (2020). Thesenpapier 6.0 zur Pandemie durch SARSCoV-2/Covid-19. Zur Notwendigkeit eines Strategiewechsels. Monitor Versorgungsforschung 13(6), 76-93.
Zirves, M., Pfaff, H. (2020). Nursing Home Residents Aged over 80-A Cross-Sectional Analysis on Which Activity Traits Correlate to Positive Affect. IJERPH 17(24), 9583.
Kuske, S., Holmberg, C., Wensing, M., Reuschenbach, B., Büscher, A., Neugebauer, E., Pfaff, H., Karbach, U., Balzer, K., Köpke, S., Ernstmann, N. (2020). Studiengänge zur Versorgungsforschung in Deutschland. Aktueller Stand und zukünftige Perspektiven. Gesundheitswesen.
Cecon N., Pfaff H., Lee S., Dresen A. (2020): Salutogenic model predicting the need for psychooncological care and its utilisation—The role of generalised resistance resources and sense of coherence. European Journal of Cancer Care 2020.
Salm, S., Blaschke, K., Ihle, P., Schubert, I., Dresen, A., Pfaff, H., Scholten, N. (2021). Mental disorders and utilization of mental health services in newly diagnosed cancer patients: an analysis of German health insurance claims data.Psycho-Oncology, 30(3), 312-320.
Dresen A., Lee S., Pfaff H., Weiß M., Korsch E. (2020): “Crazy bitch“ – Erlebte Aggression und Gewalt im Klinikalltag von Kinderärzten. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 2020
Neumann, J.; Lindert, L.; Seinsche, L.; Zeike, S.; Pfaff, H. (2020). Homeoffice- und Präsenzkultur im öffentlichen Dienst in Zeiten der Covid-19-Pandemie. Institut für Medizinsoziologie, Versorgungsforschung und Rehabilitationswissenschaft (IMVR). Köln.
Seinsche, L.; Lindert, L.; Neumann, J.; Zeike, S.; Pfaff, H. (2020). Homeoffice- und Präsenzkultur im Bereich IT und technische Dienstleitungen in Zeiten der Covid-19-Pandemie. Institut für Medizinsoziologie, Versorgungsforschung und Rehabilitationswissenschaft (IMVR). Köln.