Center for Health Services Research Cologne
The center provides a network for health services research at the University of Cologne. Here, we shape the translation of medical, psycho-social and organizational innovations into health care.
The center is a cross-faculty collaboration for joint interdisciplinary health services research. It is comprised of institutes and chairs from the Faculty of Human Sciences, the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences.
By combining a wide range of expertise, the center promotes high-performance health services research that combines basic research with practical orientation along the “translational chain.”
“Learning care” is the center’s vision. In the long term, the center’s research projects will contribute to transforming health care and patient care into a learning system. Patient orientation, quality and efficiency are continuously being improved.
"Versorgungsforschung ist ein fachübergreifendes Forschungsgebiet, das ausgehend von der Patienten- sowie Populationsperspektive und vor dem Hintergrund komplexer Kontextbedingungen die Versorgungsstrukturen und -prozesse der Gesundheitsversorgung untersucht, den Outcome auf Ebene der Alltagsversorgung beschreibt und komplexe Interventionen zur Verbesserung der Versorgung evaluiert."